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대선 판세 분석…박권상 전 KBS 사장도 배석

지난 5일 KBS〈9시 뉴스〉  '최시중 방통위원장 여론조사 유출'  보도의 결정적 단서가 된 미 국무부 문서에는 어떤 내용이 담겨 있을까.

미 국무부 비밀문서는 A4용지 7쪽 분량으로 당시 한국 갤럽 회장이었던 최시중 방통위원장 내정자와 당시 미국 대사였던 보스워스 대사가 1997년 대선 일주일 전인 12월 12일 오찬 회동에서 오간 이야기가 자세하게 담겨 있다.

▲ 최시중 내정자의 대선 여론조사 유출 사실이 명시된 미 국무부 비밀문서. 자료제공 = KBS
이 날 회동에는 이들 외에 당시 언론인 신분의 박권상 전 KBS 사장과 한국갤럽의 여론조사팀장인 정 모 씨가 함께 한 것으로 문서에 기록돼 있다.

문서에 따르면 최 내정자는 이 한 자리에서 “김대중 후보가 이회창 후보를 10% 가량의 큰 차이로 이기고 있다”는 내용을 비롯해 “이회창 후보 아들의 병역 문제가 이 후보의 걸림돌이 되고 있고 이것이 김대중 후보의 선전으로 이어지고 있다” 등의 얘기를 한 것으로 적혀 있다.

특히 이 문서에는 여론조사 결과를 공표하는 것이 금지돼 있다는 점도 명시했다. 문건에는 “11월 27일 본격적인 선거운동이 시작된 이후 여론조사는 가능하지만 공표하는 것은 금지돼 있다”며 “최 회장이 알려준 내용은 12월 10일에 실시한 최근의 여론조사 결과”라는 사실이라고 밝혔다.

최 내정자가 보스워스 대사에게 여론조사 결과를 공개한 시점은 여론조사 결과 공표금지 기간(11월 26일부터 12월 18일까지) 이다. 여론조사 결과 공표 금지기간은 당시 선거법상 선거일 22일전부터 선거일까지로 최 내정자는 이 기간인  12월 12일 여론조사 결과를 외부에 유출했다.

▲ 미 국무부 비밀문서. 자료제공 = KBS
이는 실정법인 공직선거법을 위반한 것으로 여론조사의 공표 금지 기간에 그 경위와 결과를 공표하거나 인용, 보도하면 2년 이하의 징역이나 400만원 이하의 벌금형을 받는다.

이날 오찬에서는 정치적으로 민감할 수 있는 발언들도 나왔다. 함께 배석한 한국갤럽의 여론조사팀장인 정 씨는 “김대중 후보는 위험한 친 평양정책을 추진할 공산당 지지자(He is a communist sympahthizer who once in power would promote dangerously pro-Pyongyang policies)”라는 등 색깔론적인 발언을 한 것으로 나타나 있다. 

또 정 씨는 “이회창 후보가 경상도 지역에서 일주일 안에 20%를 추가로 얻는다면 승리할 수도 있다“ "정 씨는 김대중 후보가 이기지 못할 경우 전라도 지역에서 폭동이 일어날 가능성도 있다"는 발언을 하기도 해 대선 정국에 대한 판세 등 깊은 얘기가 오고간 것으로 보여지는 대목이기도 하다.

이번에 KBS 뉴스보도로 공개된 이번 문서는 그동안 공공연하게 알려진 미국과 한국 언론의 커넥션을 보여주는 단적인 사례로 보여진다. 이 자리에 참석한 전직 언론인 출신 최시중 내정자는 당시 여론조사 기관의 총책임자로서 실정법까지 어겨가며 미 대사측에 정보를 흘린 것이다.

다음은 KBS〈9시 뉴스〉에서 보도한 A4용지 7쪽 분량의 미 국무부 비밀문서 내용이다. 


Classified by Stephen Bosworth, ambassador.
Reason. 1.5 (B), (D)

1. (C) Summary: Gallup-Korea chairman Choi See-Joong told the ambassador on December 12 that his latest polls (taken December 10) showed that NCNP candidate Kim Dae-Jung had widened his lead over GNP candidate Lee Hoi-Chang to around in third place, five percent behind Lee. The pollster admitted that the magnitude of KDJ's lead over his rivals was surprising. He attributed it to: The reignition of the scandal over Lee's two sons: Millitary service exemption; The anger of many Buddists at Lee's characterization of KDJ as a "Defrocked" monk; Lee's poor performance in the TV debates compared with Rhee and Kim; And, above all, the financial crisis, which has discredited the government and the ruling party. Kim Dae-Jung was well-positioned to win the December 18. Election, Choi said, unless Rhee In-Je dropped out or "Something" were to happen to swing large numbers of voters in Kyongsang to Lee Hoi-Chang. Neither was likely, but remained within the realm of possibility. (Comment: Much care is necessary in interpreting Korean polls, which are notoriously inaccurate. However, there is no doubt that on his fourth attempt, Kim Dae-Jung has his best change ever.) End summary.

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2. (C) During a December 12 luncheon with ambassador and DCM, Choi See-Joong, president of Gallup-Korea, shared his polling data on the presidential election. Park Kwon-Sang, a prominent journalist, and pol internal chief were also present. Chung said that Gallup-Korea's polls, taken every other day, show Lee Hoi-Chang's support steadily declining since November 26, when he was only 1-2 percentage points behind Kim Dae-Jung.(Since the beginning of the official campaign period, November 27, polls are allowed to be taken but not published). Chol's lastest poll, taken on December 10, showed Kim Dae Jung leading with 35 percent of respondents saying they would votes for him, followed by Lee hoi-Chang at 25 percent and rhee in-Je at 20 percent Kim's large lead, was a surrise, chung said, but there was no doubt about the trend : Lee Hoi chang was noticeably declining.

3. (C) This did not neceessarily translate into more votes for KDJ, However, which remained steady at 32-35 percent. rather, chung said, Lee's lost support was turning up in the "undecided" tally. this shift was particularly evident among older voters. Estimating that forty percent of the voters aged fifty-and-above were now in the undecided camp, chung characterized them as conservatives, a natural constituency for Lee, who had withdrawn their support form the ruling party candidate in reaction to the current financial crisis. Chung noted that the financial turmoil started during the last week of November, precisely at the time Lee Hoi chang had peaked in the polls. Since then, he Had Decling 1-2

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Percent in each new gallup-korea poll. In addition to the financial crisis, Chung also believed the following had hurt the ruling party candidate:

--Military service exemption of Lee's two sons. Due to relentless charges, especially by Rhee In-Je, this scandal has come back to haunt Lee Hoi-Chang. Last week, Lee's younger son returned form college in Boston to have his height measured. Though it turned out to be only half-a-centimeter shorter than in the Military Record, by again making front-page headlines, the issue cost Lee substantial support.

--Buddhish backlash. One of Lee Hoi-Chang's campaign pamphlets satirized KDJ as a wayward monk, a stock figure in traditional korean plays who symbolizes an aimless and dissolute character. Chung said that this was supposed to be an "amusing" caricature of KDJ, who had broken many promises in the past. Instead, the buddhist establishment made vocal protests, forcing Lee and the party to issue an apology.

--TV debates. Chung said that Kim Dae-Jung continued to be the biggest beneficiary of the unprecedented TV debates, which has allowed him to rebut directly the


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Subject : Presidential race : KDJ still in the lead

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Recurring charges that he is a communist sympathizer who once in power would promote dangerously pro-Pyongyang policies.

Lee, s prospects : Difficult, but not impossible

6. (C) The second scenario, Chung said, was also a long-

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Shot. Lee could still win the election if the voters of Kyongsang province voted for him overwhelmingly--60 to 70 percent. This required the ruling party candidate to gain 20 percent in the province in less than a week. Chung recalled that in 1992, president Kim had gained substantially in Kyongsang province through last-minute support from the government and superior financing. However, these two pillars of the ruling party support were lacking this time around, he noted.

winning margin and regionalism

7. (C) Noting that whoever wins will have less than fifty percent, or even forty percent of the vote, the ambassador asked whether that could make it difficult for the next president to Govern. Both Chung and Park said that it should not pose any problems, because koreans were used to elections in which the victor did not have a majority-presidents Roh and Kim all had less than 50 percent support.

8. (C) Regarding regionalism, Chung said that this could be a problem in Cholla province if KDJ did not win. The Cholla people have waited thirty-five years to put Kim Dae Jung in the Blue hause, he said. They are convinced that they have won this time. Chung assessed that outbreak of violence could not be ruled out if Kim does not win on December 18.


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9. (C) Gallup-Korea is among the most respected private polls in KOREA. In our previous meeting with Choi in late JUNE, When the convention wisdom was that KDJ was headed for another futile battle, he flagged to us his polls which showed that the Long-Time opposition leader had a far better chance this time around. However, polls in Korea are notoriously inaccurate. Many Koreans hide their true prefernce or flatly refuse to respond.
Gallup-Korea's estimate of a 10 percent Kim Dae-Jung lead is substantially larger than the 3-6percent margin shown in other polls, which underscores the fact that polls are not reliable. There is also a widespread belief among Koreans of all political persuasion that despite what they tell pollsters, once people enter the polling booth, they will do whatever is necessary to prevent a KDJ victory. Perhaps. For now, there is no question that Kim Dae-Jung, on his fourth attempt at the top prize, has his best chance ever.

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