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|contsmark0| 삼고초려- 거절하는 취재원 인터뷰 하기하기 싫다는 사람 억지로 하게하는 것 만큼 어려운 일이 또 있을까? 그러나 방법(tips)을 알면 무엇이든 목표대로 일을 진행할 수 있다.
|contsmark1|pd moon: hello, this is producer moon from funglish. i’m calling you regarding interview for our show.
|contsmark2|jennifer: i believe i already told you that i couldn’t accept your request due to (over) my fully booked schedule.
|contsmark3|pd moon: of course, i do remember that. but i must have forgot to tell you about advantages you are going to get if you share the time with us since our broadcast company is most widely recognized in korea. besides, korean market in show business is currently overpowering other asian countries such as japan, taiwan, and china, etc,.
|contsmark4|jennifer: well, since you brought the issue of advantages can you describe more about them?
|contsmark5|pd moon: no problem. there have been a number of movies making tremendous profits just because the actors were acquainted with korean people, and most of them had interviews for publicity of their movies with us. more interesting point is after the movie showed great success the actors in movies got more popularity to guarantee further future. meaning is once you are with us you can get success both in your movie and popularity. you can kill two birds with one stone.
|contsmark6|jennifer: oh. sounds tempting. let me think about it and drop you a line soon.
|contsmark7|i’m calling you regarding ~:~에 관하여 전화했습니다. i must have forgot to tell you~:~을 잊어 버리고 말하지 않은 것 같아서요.since our broadcast company is most widely recognized in korea : 우리 방송국이 한국에서 가장 인지도가 높기 때문에. 여기서 since는 ‘~때문에’라는 접속사로 쓰여진다.be acquainted with ~:~와 안면이 있다. 보통 안면이 있으면 친근감이 생기고 정도 가니까.kill two birds with one stone.:우리말로는 일석이조라고 하죠.i’ll drop you a line.:익혀두면 아주 유용한 표현이죠. i’ll call you대신 쓸 수 있는 멋진 표현!
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