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|contsmark0|인터뷰 후에 감사편지를 보내라니? 1탄
|contsmark1|감사편지를 보내는 것엔 의례적으로 인터뷰 응답을 위한 감사의 표시도 있겠지만 혹 있을 미래에 대한 연막작전(?)이라는 음흉한(?) 계략도 있을 수 있다.(you can kill two birds with one stone!) 이번 주에는 감사편지를 쓰는 방식과 그 효과를 최대한으로 얻을 수 있는 요령(hints)을 소개해 보도록 한다. 편지의 내용으로는 시간을 함께 해주어 감사하는 표현과 함께 (thank you for taking the time to meet with us on monday, october 19), 인터뷰 시 느꼈던 인상을 적는 것이 적절하다 (it was very precious and invaluable interview with you). 또한 편지 내용은 가능한 한 짧게 작성하는 것이 좋고 (keep the letter brief), 되도록 이면 인터뷰 후 24시간 이내로 발송하는 것이 좋다 (mail your thank you letter within 24 hours of the interview). sample thank you letter-2nd edition
|contsmark2|dear mr./ms. (last name or full name)thank you for taking the time to meet with us on monday, october 19(date), to share the information regarding your movie (purpose of interview). we truly enjoyed meeting with you and appreciated the opportunity to learn more about you and your movie.after we had such an impressive and warm time with you we all agreed it was worth taking a long trip for the interview. we hope to think that you also had a good time with us. through the interview we strongly felt that you made a significant contribution with a role in the film. i wish you good luck on your life as well as your movie. again, thank you for the interview and for your consideration.sincerely, (signature)name
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